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Masai Mara - description of the reserve

Published: 29.06.2023

Masai Mara

Masai Mara is one of the main sites in all of Kenya. Along with this, this reserve is also the most important object for the entire African continent. Its bountiful area is indeed home to many rare and popular animals.

Due to the aesthetic appeal and cheapness, tours to this place are currently incredibly popular. For example, 4 Days Masai Mara and Lake Nakuru private and Budget joining safaris https://www.brunosafaris.com/index.php/4-days-nairobi-safari-to-masai-mara-and-lake-nakuru- one of the most popular and profitable tours to these lands. Millions of tourists around the globe take this opportunity to explore the national park every year.

Among the main information about this reserve, the following facts should be highlighted first of all:

  • The year of foundation of the reserve - 1961;
  • The total area occupied by the Masai Mara is more than 1500 square kilometers;
  • The nearest settlement to the reserve is the Kenyan city of Narok;
  • Location - Southwest Kenya;

The landscape of the reserve to a greater extent reflects the whole flavor of African land. Long and stretching savannah, grassy areas, followed by swampy terrain. In the west of the national reserve, there is also a rift valley, consisting of various slopes.

The fauna of the reserve deserves special attention. Actually, it is largely because of her that such a colossal number of tourists visit the Masai Mara every year. It is possible to note a really large number of features.

Masai Mara

For example, there is a large population of lions in the reserve. They are presented here in all their African diversity, so you can see all the wild animals at once. Also in the Masai Mara is the largest population of leopards, in principle, in the world.

Cheetahs are also found in large numbers in the reserve. These animals are currently almost on the verge of extinction, as they are actively exterminated. In the reserve, they breed and are protected by state forces.

Among other animals, also in abundance in the reserve, one can note: rhinos, hippos, antelopes, gazelles, zebras, giraffes, hyenas. In a wide variety are birds along with representatives of small insects.

Having studied the Masai Mara, you can actually get acquainted immediately with all African flora and fauna. Many tourists visit the reserve precisely in order to save their own time.

Masai Mara

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